▶ Montenegrin Prosecutors File Objection”
▶ Decision on Extradition to South Korea to Be Made Soon
It has recently come to light that Montenegrin prosecutors have filed another objection against the Montenegrin court's decision to extradite Do Kwon, a key figure in the 'Terra-Luna' case, to South Korea.
According to local daily Vijesti on August 7th, the Supreme Prosecutor's Office of Montenegro requested the Supreme Court to review the legality of the decision by the Appellate and High Courts, claiming they violated the International Criminal Judicial Cooperation Act in approving Kwon's extradition to South Korea on August 2nd. This move came just one day after the Appellate Court upheld the High Court's decision to allow Kwon's extradition to South Korea while denying his extradition to the United States.
Considering the Supreme Prosecutor's Office's request, the Supreme Court may temporarily halt Kwon's extradition to South Korea and refer the case to a full bench for review. Vijesti reported that the Supreme Court is expected to decide by this weekend whether to suspend Kwon's extradition to South Korea.
In March, Kwon appeared to be on the verge of being extradited to South Korea following a final ruling by the Appellate Court. However, on April 5th, the Supreme Court accepted an objection from the Supreme Prosecutor's Office, rendering the decision void and returning the case to square one.
In the renewed legal battle, Kwon's legal team eventually secured decisions from both the High Court and the Appellate Court to extradite him to South Korea. However, once again, his fate now lies with the Supreme Court.
Despite this, Kwon's Montenegrin legal representative, attorney Goran Rodic, strongly criticized the prosecution.
Rodic argued, as reported by Vijesti, that "when the High Court initially decided to extradite Kwon to the U.S., the prosecution did not object. They believed that the decision to extradite a criminal was the responsibility of the court, not the Ministry of Justice, and that it was both lawful and legitimate."
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