In our world today, social media has a huge impact on kids. Some of the popular apps would be: Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Reddit, YouTube, and Tiktok. The younger generation would usually use phones just to do social media, which can include texting people, liking people‘s posts, scrolling, or watching videos.
Parents often worry about their kids being on social media because of the dangerous people out there. Those types of people can hack you, try to harm you, stalk you, and so many other things you can think about it. Also, parents would want their kids to focus more on studying rather than just liking photos and scrolling. Kids find it amusing to go through social media, but the parents see it so pointless and want them to delete those apps. As of 2019, 79% of the population has a social media profile.
Social media can go both ways that it can be beneficial and not beneficial. Some pros of social media that it can help teachers and students a lot at school. Teachers can use google classroom, remind, and the school websites to provide the homework, study guides, reminder for tests or quizzes. Another pro would be that people who use social media to communicate with each other. There are so many apps that you can text people, and become better friends with them. But, there is a con that the people would be too used to texting that they can become awkward trying to talk in real life with each other. Kyle Min, a sophomore, uses Reddit to look for memes and would talk with other people about anything. He personally believes that social media can go both ways, just like the points mentioned earlier. Mrs.Lim, mother of a freshman, knows all of the pros and cons of social media. She doesn’t really care about social media because she knows that her son gets good grades and that he would never get distracted by it.
Jacob Kim/Rowland High School10th Grade>
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